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Kalamazoo Michigan Chapter of USA Dance
The Kalamazoo MI chapter USA Dance was established in September 1996. The first member dance was held on Friday, September 27, 1996 with 100 dancers in attendance.
Kalamazoo Dance is a community dance for couples, singles, college students and dancers of all levels. We host one public dance per month from September through May. Each monthly dance begins with a one-hour dance lesson instructed by a professional dance instructor. No monthly dances are scheduled during June, July, and August. In addition, at least one black tie dinner dance called the Gala is held per year.
The board meets once a month, with meetings during the summer, as needed. All members are invited to attend board meetings and to run for elected office or volunteer for board or committee position.

The Kalamazoo chapter primarily serves West Michigan. Our chapter theme song is "I've Got a Gal in Kalamazoo" by the Glenn Miller Orchestra. The Kalamazoo Michigan chapter of the USA Dance is registered with the State of Michigan under the assumed name of Kalamazoo Dance.

USA Dance was formerly known as United States Amateur Ballroom Dancer's Association (USABDA) until 2005 when the national organization changed its name. USA Dance is also doing business as US Amateur Ballroom Dancers Association, Inc., USABDA and USA DanceSport, and it is a member of International Dance Sport Federation and affiliate member of United States Olympic Committee

USA Dance is a volunteer 501 (c) 3 non-profit promoting and sharing the excitement and joy of both social and competitive dance.
All dances held at

The Point Community Center
2595 N 10th St. (Oshtemo)
Kalamazoo, MI

except where noted
Saturday Jan 18, 2025
Instructor: Sharon Fisher
Lesson: Rumba
Saturday Feb 15, 2025
Instructor: Teri Geer
Lesson: East Coast Swing
Saturday Mar 15, 2025
Instructor: Erik Yettaw
Lesson: West Coast Swing
Saturday Apr 19, 2025
Instructor: Joyce Stoughton-Kim
Lesson: Hustle
Saturday May 17, 2025
Instructor: Byron Doss
Lesson: Samba
For more information on our upcoming events, visit our calendar